When using our services or by using our website, we obtain, store and process personal data that enable us to provide services to our clients. While doing so, we act exclusively in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Policy and in compliance with the regulation of the European Parliament 2016/679 of 27th of April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation GDPR) and Act no. 101/2000 Coll. Your privacy is important to us, therefore we handle your private data as carefully as we can.

We also use some external service providers which are helping us to improve our services regularly. They might also use some of your data, but always accoding to current valid legislation.

Administrator and Processor of data:
OE Portugal Lda
Av. D. João II, 16 1º Esquerdo
1990-091 Lisbon, Portugal

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy or about data protection in general, please write to the following email address: Nuno Ribeiro (Data Protection Coordinator / Representative for Data Protection).